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The Ultimate Guide to Removing Stubborn Stains: Tips from the Pros

Welcome to the ultimate guide on tackling one of the most common challenges every homeowner faces: tough stains.

Whether it’s the aftermath of a wine night gone wrong, an unexpected ink spill, or the persistent marks left by your furry friends, we understand that dealing with stains can be a daunting task.

In this comprehensive article, tailored for homeowners and renters alike, we’re using our experience to delve into the nitty-gritty details of successfully removing stains from various surfaces in your home.

From carpets and upholstery to countertops and rugs, we’ve got you covered.

Squeaky Cleaning presents a detailed stain removal method for various surfaces around the house, offering expert tips and tricks to help you bid farewell to those pesky marks.

So, if you’re seeking practical advice on how to keep your living space pristine, read on to discover the ultimate guide on how to remove stains, brought to you by the pros.

Before Removing Stains

Act Fast (If Possible)

Whether it’s stains from clothes, upholstery, or countertops, time is of the essence.

The quicker you address a stain, the higher the chance of successful removal.

Grass stains, sweat stains, chocolate stains, many red wine stains, coffee stains, and oil stains can set quickly into fabrics, making them more challenging to eliminate.

Always act as soon as possible to avoid a stubborn stain situation.

Test Stain Remover in a Discreet Place First

Before applying any stain remover, it’s wise to test it in an inconspicuous area.

This ensures that the remover won’t cause damage or discoloration to the material.

Different fabrics and surfaces react differently to cleaning agents like liquid laundry detergent, hydrogen peroxide, or chlorine bleach, so a small test can save you from unintended consequences.

how to remove stains

How to Remove Stains from Wine


A white or red wine stain on rugs can be disheartening, but fear not. Blot the stain gently with a cloth to absorb excess liquid as soon as possible. Mix a solution of one part dish soap and two parts hydrogen peroxide.

Apply it to the white or red wine stain, let it sit for a few minutes, and then blot again.

Be sure to rinse with cold water, not hot water, and pat dry.

how to get a stain out


For red wine stains on upholstery, start by blotting with a paper towel to remove as much wine as possible.

Mix equal parts dish soap and cold water, and using a cloth, gently dab the stain as soon as possible. Finish by blotting with a dry cloth.

This method should help lift the red wine stain without damaging your upholstery.

Granite or Marble Countertops

To remove red wine stains from stone countertops, make a paste with baking soda and cool water.

Apply the paste to the stain as soon as possible. Let it sit for a few hours, and then wipe away.

Rinse the area with cool water and dry it thoroughly.

How to Remove Ink Stains


Ink stains on rugs are a common hassle.

Blot the stain with a cloth to remove excess ink as soon as possible.

Apply rubbing alcohol to the stain using a cloth, moving from the outside toward the center.

Blot the stained area until the ink is absorbed, and then rinse with cold water.


For ink-stained upholstery, mix one tablespoon of dish soap with two cups of cold water.

Use a cloth or paper towel to dab the stained area with the solution as soon as possible. Blot with a dry cloth until the stain is gone.

Granite and Marble

To tackle stains on stone surfaces, create a poultice with baking soda and cool water.

Apply the poultice to the stain as soon as possible, cover with plastic wrap, and let it sit overnight.

Gently wipe away the poultice, rinse, and dry.

how to get rid of stains

How to Remove Grease Stains


Grease stains on rugs can be challenging, but not impossible.

To absorb the grease, sprinkle cornstarch or baking soda on the stain as soon as possible.

After 15 minutes, vacuum the area. If any of the stain remains, mix dish soap with warm water and blot with a cloth.


For carpet grease stains, start by blotting with paper towels.

Mix a solution of one part white vinegar and two parts cool water in a spray bottle, then apply to the stain as soon as possible.

Blot with a cloth or clean paper towels until the stain is lifted, then rinse with cold water.


Grease stains on upholstery can be treated with a mixture of equal parts dish soap and cool water.

Dab the stain with the solution as soon as possible, blot with a clean cloth or clean paper towels, and let it dry.

how to get an old stain out

How to Remove Pet Urine Stains and Smells


Act quickly with pet urine stains on rugs.

First, blot the area with paper towels.

Commercial pet stain removers work well but you can easily make your own by mixing a solution of equal parts cool water and white vinegar in a spray bottle.

Apply the stain remover solution as soon as possible, blot with a clean cloth or paper towel, and let it dry.

remove stubborn stains


For pet urine stains on carpets, blot with paper towels, then apply a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

Scrub the area gently with the stain remover as soon as possible, let it sit, and vacuum the residue once dry.


Pet urine on upholstery requires quick action.

Blot the stain with clean paper towels, then apply a mixture of liquid laundry detergent and cold water.

Blot again and let it air dry.

How to Remove Coffee Stains


Stains from coffee on rugs are best tackled by blotting with clean paper towels.

Mix liquid laundry detergent with cold water and dab the stain.

Rinse the stain remover off with cold water and pat dry.

how to get stubborn stains out


For coffee stains on your carpet, blot with clean paper towels and apply a homemade stain remover of white vinegar and cool water.

Blot until the stain is lifted, then rinse with cold water.


Mix baking soda with cool water and apply to coffee stains on upholstery.

Blot the stained fabric with a clean cloth or paper towel and let it air dry for an effective stain removal process.

Granite or Marble Countertops

Stains from coffee on stone countertops can be treated with a mixture of baking soda and cool water.

Apply the stain remover paste, let it sit, and then wipe away.

How to Remove Mud Stains


Allow mud to dry completely before tackling stains on rugs. Once dry, vacuum the dirt away.

Mix dish soap with warm water and dab the stain. Rinse with cold water and blot dry.


Mud stains on carpets can be addressed similarly.

Allow the mud to dry, vacuum, then apply a mixture of white vinegar and cool water.

Blot until the stain is lifted, then rinse.


For mud on upholstery, scrape off excess dirt, then mix liquid laundry detergent with cold water.

Dab the stained fabric, blot, and let it air dry.

How to Remove Blood Stains


For blood stains on rugs, use cold water to blot the stain gently.

Mix liquid laundry detergent with cold water and dab the blood stain. Rinse with cool water and blot dry.


Treat blood stains on carpet by blotting with cold water, then applying a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and dish soap.

Blot with paper towel until the stain is lifted, then rinse.


Blot blood stains on upholstery with cold water, then use a mixture of salt and cool water to form a paste.

Apply the paste to the stained fabric, let it sit, and wipe away.

how to remove stubborn stains

Squeaky Cleaning – The Best Local Cleaning Service to Remove Stubborn Stains

At Squeaky Cleaning, we understand that some stains require professional expertise.

Our experienced team uses industry-approved methods and eco-friendly products to tackle the toughest stains, including grass stains, sweat stains, oily stains, dried stains, fresh stains, lipstick stains, fabric stains, tea stains, nail polish stains, chocolate stains, old stains, common stains, clothing stains, and more.

Whichever stain it is, we’ve got you covered. Contact us for reliable and efficient stain removal services.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered various techniques for removing stains from different surfaces.

Remember, acting quickly and using the right cleaning methods are key to successful stain removal.

Whether you’re dealing with white or red wine stains, ink, grease, or pet stains, these tips should help you keep your home clean and stain-free.